
Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Message


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

 I have thoroughly enjoyed subbing for Mrs. Becker. She will return after Christmas break. Your children are such blessings and I have enjoyed watching them grow and learn. I am happy I will get to continue to read with them throughout the school year.

Sight Words: are, down, all, in, am, to; We will have our sight word test on Thursday.

Math: We are continuing to work on our Animal Math Addition Book. We are learning about writing number sentences, using tally marks, and drawing pictures with story problems.

Writer's Workshop: This week we made a title page for a published piece and we are celebrating their writing by sharing in front of the class. We will also share with Mrs. Jenkerson's class.

Important Dates:

Thursday, Dec. 19th – Sight Word Test and library

Friday, Dec. 20th – Holiday Party from 1:45-2:45

Dec. 23rd – Jan. 4th – Winter Break

January 6th – School Resumes

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday Message

Dear parents,
I hope everyone had a good weekend and a fun snow day!
Here is a look into our learning...

Sight Words:
Students did take their sight word test today over the words: the, a, can, no, what, for.  I sent their test home with them today.  I did not collect homework today.  I will check weeks 1 and 2 of December on Friday of this week.
This week’s sight words are:  we, is, my, out, big, and got

Writer’s Workshop: 
Students are working on publishing one piece of writing that is special to them.  The students are editing for capitals, spaces, spelling of sight words and punctuation.  Students are also revising their work and trying to write stronger beginnings and endings.  Students are very excited about their work and look forward to sharing it with their friends when it is complete.  We will have a “Writing Celebration” next week to close our Narrative Writing Unit.  When we return from the holiday break, we will start a new unit on writing ‘How To stories’.

Letter of the Day:
We will complete our 2nd rotation of the ‘Letter of the Day’ this week.  This rotation was a short lesson on letter formation and letter sounds.  Students have become much more independent with sound spelling words.  Students are able to write their letters nicely with correct letter formation on the practice sheets I provide.  However, students need to transfer their knowledge about proper letter formation during their daily writing activities.  Please encourage your child to always use their best handwriting when they are writing. 

Important Dates: 
Wednesday, Dec. 11th – Early Release Day -Students will be dismissed at 1:40.

Friday, Dec. 13th – Class will shop at the Book fair during library time and Cookies with Santa 5 p.m.-8 p.m.

Thursday, Dec. 19th - Homework Due and Sight word Test

Friday, Dec. 20th – Holiday Party from 1:45-2:45

Dec. 23rd – Jan. 5th – Winter Break

January 6th – School Resumes

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Message

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

A few Things:

Tomorrow: Have your child wear blue and please send in a canned good for a family in need.

Math: We are starting a new math book this week. We will focus on counting and making tally marks, writing addition number sentences and solving word problems that have to do with animals.

Writer's Workshop: We are working on writing stories that have great beginnings. Today we talked about using action words and explaining how we feel in the story to pull the reader of their writing in and make them want to read more.

Letter of the day: T, U, V, W, X

New sight words this week:: no, what, for

We are starting student of the week this week. When it is your child's turn, I will send a letter home the week before, letting you know what to send in.

Important dates:

12-5 School Store
12-6 SPTG visit with Santa
12-11 early dismissal
12-20 Classroom Parties

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Message

Dear Parents,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Last Friday I sent a letter home about our Thanksgiving Feast.  I meant to specify on the letter what item I would like you to donate. However, I did not mark on anyone’s letter. I am so sorry for any confusion that this may have caused. I sent a survey out today asking for you to sign up for an item. I have gotten several responses, so thank you. If you did not receive this survey, please let me know.
If you are still willing to help with the feast, you may still return the bottom of the sheet I sent home.
Sight Words – We are beginning our second rotation of sight words this week. This week I will be sending a letter home indicating which words they should study and what the expectations are for the weekly sight word tests on Fridays.  I am so pleased with how well the students are doing with their sight word recognition!  I also tested all students on their ability to write all 30 sight words and their work was amazing!  The students are working so hard at school and I also appreciate your support at home.  List one words this week are: I, like, see and list 2 words are: will, run, yes.
In writing, the students are working hard on writing a “True Story”.  Students are working on staying on topic and writing their story with a beginning, middle and end.  Many students are working on writing a sentence and using proper sentence structure.  I am encouraging students to continue to draw representational pictures to support their writing and to label their pictures.  The pictures and labels help make the writing easy to read and help them to stay on topic.  Please practice telling stories with a beginning, middle and end.

Upcoming Events this Week:
Wednesday 11-20-13 Blue Ribbon Assembly.  Please have your child wear a light weight shirt to school on Wednesday.  Students will be given a new t-shirt to wear and this will make it easier for them to slip their new shirt on over the clothes they wear to school. 

Friday 11-22-13 Warm up Night Volleyball game and Chili cook-off.

Tuesday 11-26-13 Thanksgiving Feast. 
Thanks and have a great week!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday Message

Dear Parents,
Here are some things we have been working on in Kindergarten...
Sight Words: said, come, look

Guided Reading:
Students are very excited about the small books they are reading during guided reading time.  Students are becoming more independent with some of the reading strategies I have taught them. Ask your child about "lips on a fish" and "Stretchy the Snake".
Writer’s Workshop:
We learned a new way to sing ,“Old Mac Donald”.  We decided that instead of E-I-E-I-O, it should be A-E-I-O-U!  We made a class chart to help us remember the vowel sounds. We discussed how every word should have at least one vowel in it. We are using this vowel chart to check our writing to make sure our words have vowels in them.
 Learning Communities:
St Anthony's donated some gloves, masks and hats for us to play with during dramatic play. The kids get to take them home after they use them.
Thanksgiving Feast:
*Thank you to everyone who offered to help cut the yarn for the necklaces. We got that finished, so thank you!
*If you would like to donate fabric markers for our Native American shirts by Friday, that would be wonderful!
*Please don’t forget to turn in a white t-shirt, we will be working on them Friday

Upcoming Events this Week!
Wednesday 11-13-13 Early Release Day.  Students will be dismissed at 1:40.  Please discuss with your child how they will be going home. 
Friday 11-15-13 Buddy day.  Students will get to visit with their 3rd grade buddies and enjoy a Thanksgiving activity.
Tuesday 11-26-13 Thanksgiving Feast   We will be celebrating.  We will be looking for a few volunteers to help set up /clean up and serve the food on this day.  A letter will be going home soon with more details.
Thanks and have a great week!
Mrs. Stout

Student of the week. -Nicole

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thanksgiving Feast

Hello Parents,
   Our Thanksgiving Feast is just around the corner.  To help celebrate the Thanksgiving season all students will be making Native Americans T-shirts.  Please send ONE plain white T-shirt to school with your child by Monday, November 11th.  Don't forget to put your child's name on the tag. If you would like to donate any extra shirt for another student, please put the shirt in a bag marked donation. More information about our Feast will be sent home within the next week.
Thank you so much for your support.

Mrs. Stout

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Fun!

Student of the week-William/Alayna

Monday Message

I enjoyed meeting with everyone last week for conferences. I also hope everyone had a relaxing 3 day weekend.
Here is a look into what we our learning:

Math: We are working in a book called Kindergarten Math Story Problems. With guided instruction, students are learning they can draw pictures to help them solve simple addition story problems.  We are also writing a number sentence to solve the story problem.  We then look at a number line to find our answer. We will continue working in this book throughout the month of November.

Sight Words: not  here  have
Test will be on Friday

Letters of the day: H, I, J, K,L

Writer’s Workshop: We are continuing to talk about writing “true” stories. I love meeting with the students to hear and read what they are writing about. We have been talking a lot about how we can go back and edit our writing by checking for all the sounds in our words and leaving spaces between the letters and the words.

Last week our student of the week was William. Thank you for sharing your poster, snacks and favorite things with us William!

This week’s student: Alayna

 Upcoming Events this Week!

Monday, 11/4/13 - Baked Good Pottery Night for Kindergarten and 3rd Grade.  This event is all week.  You may go any evening during the week.  Please tell them you are there for the Sappington Fundraiser.

Tuesday, 11/5/13 - Rams spirit Day!  6:45pm Parent Teacher Group Meeting

Thursday, 11/7/13 – School Store

Monday, 11/11/13 – Veteran’s Day



Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Message

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I am looking forward to seeing everyone at parent/teacher conferences tonight and Wednesday evening.

Math: We are starting a new math book this week. We will be focusing on story problems. Every day, we will read the story problem together, show the problem on a graph, draw it, and write it out. We will also find our answer on a number line.

Guided Reading: I started pulling groups for guided reading last Monday. The LTA and I will be meeting with groups Monday thru Friday. We will talk more about these groups and reading strategies at conferences.

Sight Words: me, it, you (test Thursday)

I sent home the sight word packet for November on Friday. We will start those words next Monday. Please let me know if you did not get it. I also sent home the November homework. Please start it this week. We are starting it now, to make up for the week will be out for Thanksgiving break.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Chaperones for Stuckmeyers

Dear Volunteers for Stuckmeyer's,

Unfortunately the parking lot at Sappington will be very crowded on Friday. We have visitors coming to our school, picture retakes and 5th grade is also going on a field trip to Cahokia Mounds.  If at all possible, we would like to ask our volunteers to meet us at Stuckmeyer's Farm in Fenton. Since we plan on leaving Sappington at 8:45 a.m, we should be arriving at Stuckmeyer's Farm around 9:00 a.m.  We appreciate your understanding.  If you have to ride the bus with us to Stuckmeyer's, please let us know that you will be meeting us at our classroom so we do not leave without you.

Thanks again for your understanding,   

Mrs. Stout

Monday, October 21, 2013

Friday Fun

Mrs. Moehlmann came to read to our class on Friday!

Monday Message

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Sight words for this week: she, go, this

Math: We will start a new math book this week: My Pumpkin Seed, A Counting Story. Students will fill in the numbers 1-10 on a graph to show a certain number of pumpkin seeds for each day. Look for this book to come home Friday.

Writing: In writing this week, we are going to talk about shifting from being writers to readers. To do this, I will show students that when reading their stories, they will use the pictures they drew to help guess what the words will say.

Important dates to remember:

10/25 Friday: Stuckmeyers in the morning and picture retakes in the afternoon.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Time with our third grade buddies

Today we shared the finished writing we've been working on with our buddies. We also did a pumpkin glyph and our buddies taught us a Halloween joke! Have your child share their joke with you at home.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Red Ribbon Week

What to wear for Red Ribbon Week!

Monday, 10/21-”Celebrate a Drug free Life”
Students receive red ribbons to wear promoting our theme during the week.

Tuesday, 10/22-”Wear Blue Day”
Wear blue to show that drugs will give you the blues!

Wednesday, 10/23-”Wear Green Day”
Wear green today because the grass is greener on the drug-free side.

Thursday, 10/24-”Wear Red Day”
Wear red to show you believe in being drug-free!

Friday, 10/25-”Wear Orange Day”

Wear orange today.  Orange you glad you are drug-free?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A message for the week


I want to start out by telling you how much I have enjoyed working with you kids. They are such a pleasure to be around and I love to see their minds at work.

With that being said, here is what we have been learning...

Sight Words: did, on, up. Please review these words at home and the words from previous weeks. Our assessment will be Thursday. Ask your child to clap them, snap them, stomp them, etc.

In writer's workshop, we are making cover pages for our finished pieces. We are going to share these with our 3rd grade buddies on Thursday and with you at conference time. We started a new writing piece today and we are focusing on adding detail, planning out our stories and being brave and using sound spelling to add more words.

science: We have been observing with our magnifying glasses (mulch, leaves, and other things in nature) and recording what we see.

Math: We have been working on ways to make 1-10. To accomplish this, we are using manipulatives of two different colors.

Next week is red ribbon week and this Friday is an early release day.

Have a great week!

Mrs.  Stout

Monday, October 7, 2013

A look at what we've been learning

Dear Families,
  Here's a look at what your child has been learning in Kindergarten.

 "Letter of the Day"   The letters that were focused on last week were Uu, Vv, Ww, and Xx.  We will complete our first rotation of "Letter of the Day" this week.  Students should be able to form the letters the "kindergarten way".  We always start our letters at the top.  During this rotation, students were also introduced to letter sounds.  We will continue to learn about our letters and review letter formation.  Students practiced sound stretching words daily with a lot of teacher guidance.  Students will be expected to do this more independently during the next rotation.

Math - Students will be bringing home their "Number Bond Book" this week. We finished these books, but we will continue to review this skill throughout the year.  Students are now working on ways to make a particular number.  Students will use counters, snap cubes and other materials to help them learn this skill.

Writing - Students are really enjoying Writer's Workshop time.  Students are learning the importance of including - who was there, what they were doing and where they were in their stories.  By adding these details to our stories, it allows the reader to feel like they are there with us.  

Sight Words -Based on recent assessments, some students are ready to read and write the weekly sight words. Please look at their homework packet this evening.  If your child is going to start reading and writing their sight words, you will see a sheet of paper that I stapled to the top of their homework.  The paper explains the expectations for sight word tests on Fridays.  Please do not be concerned if your child is not going to read and write the sight words.  After the first rotation of sight word introduction, all students will read and write the weekly sight words.  This weeks words are: at, he, and

Conferences - Conferences this year are Monday evening Oct. 28th and Wednesday evening Oct. 30th. I sent home a letter today, for you to sign and return.  

Here are some important dates to remember:

Tues. 10/8 McTeacher's Night at McDonalds on Watson Rd. from 4-8pm
Wed. 10/9 Magic House Field Trip 8:45-11:30
* If you are going on the field trip with us on Wednesday to the Magic House, please send $3 to school with your child before we leave on Wednesday. I will then be able to pay for all adults at the door.
Thurs. 10/10 Papa John's Night
Please call or email me, if you have any questions!
-Mrs. Stout

Friday, October 4, 2013

Baby Nathan!

Here is a picture of baby "Nate"
 Nathan David Becker


We started Science today. We talked about how scientists make observations using magnifying glasses. We looked at sea shells and recorded what we saw.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Our Week

 "Letter of the Day"   Last week students learned about the letters Rr, Ss and Tt.  Students enjoyed using ribbon, skittles and tissue paper to make these letters.  We are using an alphabet chart daily to learn letter names and sounds.  The students then use an individual alphabet chart to help them with writing words during Writer's Workshop.  The pictures underneath each letter help the students remember what sound the letter makes.

Math - Students are continuing to learn how to decompose numbers.  Last week they found ways to make the numbers 5, 6, and 7.  The students are using a number bond chart to help them with this task.  We record the different ways to decompose the numbers in a math journal.  

Writing - Students had fun sharing their informational books to the third grade buddies.  The students worked really hard on publishing a piece of writing.  We are starting to write stories about things that have happened to us in our lives.  You can help your child with this task at home by having them share what they did in a storytelling format.  Ask your child what happened first, next and last.  Practicing telling stories verbally will help them put their stories on paper.

Guided Reading - I finished individual reading assessments.  I am now working with students with leveled books.  Our LTA (literacy teacher assistant) will only be in our class a couple days this week due to trainings.  I will pull two groups each day during guided reading time.  Starting next week, all students will either meet with me or the LTA during Guided Reading Time.

Here are some important dates to remember:

Thursday Oct. 3rd - STL Blue's spirit day and Cardinal's Spirit Day.

Friday Oct. 4th -     Bingo Night 6:30-7:30
Sight Word Test:  in, am, to

Wednesday Oct. 9th - Magic House Field Trip 8:45-11:30.  If you plan on attending, please e-mail me to confirm this.  I know some families marked on the permission slip they were going to attend the Magic House field trip, but since the forms were due in advance and I know plans can change I would like you to e-mail me if you still would like to attend. Also, parents will be charged an admission fee of $3 the day of the event.


Mrs. Stout

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Parents, I just wanted to let you know Mrs. Becker has started her maternity leave. The best way to contact me is through school email, I will let you know when her baby arrives. -Mrs. Stout

Buddy day

Today we met with our third grade buddies to share our writing we have been working on. We also took a break from learning to dance for Jam Day.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Important Reminder!

Tomorrow is school picture day!

Monday Message

Sorry, I know it's Tuesday!

    First of all, thanks to everyone that joined us for Eckert's on Friday.  It wasn't the best weather but I think everyone still had a good time.  Our next field trip will be to the Magic House on October 9th.  I know we have three field trips that are pretty close together but the Magic House only offered us dates in early October.  If your child wore their yellow field trip shirt home please return it to school as soon as you can.  Also, please email me any photos you took on our trip.
   We have now completed our first math book which worked on numbers 1-10.  This week we started our next unit in math working on number bonds.  We will learn how to use number bonds to decompose numbers.  The students work with workmats and manipulatives to help them do this.  They are excited about this.
    We continue to work on letter sounds and sight words.  Please make sure that you are practicing sight words for a short time each evening.  Most students are doing very well with their sight word tests.  Also, be sure that when your child is writing in their homework that are stretching their words if they are not sight words.  They are expected to spell sight words correctly but all other words should be stretched.  This means they should be writing a letter for each sound that they hear in the word.
    This weeks events...
Thursday is the JAM World Record day.  JAM stands for Just A Minute.  For one minute our entire school (and thousands of others around the world) will be physically active.  We will be dancing to one of our brain breaks that we learn in P.E.  Students are invited to dress in exercise or comfy clothes.
    Thursday is also Grant's Farm Night.  This is one of my favorite nights of the year.  Grant's Farm is open to Sappington Families only and it is a blast.  There's a DJ, face painting, and other activities.  The weather looks perfect and parking is free!
    Friday there is no school for students.  Teachers will be attending professional development sessions all day.
Please have homework complete by Thursday since we do not have school Friday.  We will also go to library and have our sight word tests on Thursday.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Meet Mrs. Stout

Mrs. Stout will be the guest teacher in our room while I am on maternity leave. She has been the LTA ( literacy teacher assistant) for kindergarten all year so the students are very familiar with her already. On Monday she spent the whole day with us to see how we have been doing things. I am not leaving yet but when I do she is ready!

Mrs. Becker baby shower

Mrs. Becker was surprised today by a baby shower given to her by her students and the other kindergarten teachers. The party included pin the bow tie on the baby, baby bingo, opening gifts and a snack. Fun was had by all! -Mrs.Stout

Our final special student!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Message

Good Afternoon,
  First a few reminders....
      If you have not returned the permission slip for field trips please try to do so by tomorrow.  We need all money turned in so that we can have everything ready for Friday.  If you are chaperoning the trip (THANK YOU) please arrive at school not later than 8:45.  You will want to bring a lunch too.  Parents should be able to ride the bus with us unless it becomes too crowded.  In that case parents usually car pool together.  Your child must ride the bus to Eckert's with us but you can take your child home at the end of the trip if you'd like.  You will have to meet us back at the bus to sign your child out.
     Please be sure to send a sack lunch with a drink for the trip.  Also, please send an extra bottle of water for your child.  Eckert's does not have drinkable water and this is a long day outside.  Please label lunches and water with your child's name.

Don't forget Wednesday is our first early release day.  Students are dismissed around 1:40.  Everyone has indicated on their form that their student will be following their typical dismissal procedure.  If this is not true please let me know ASAP.

Homework went well again this week and our first sight word test were very successful.  Please remember that your child should be sound spelling in their homework anytime it is NOT a sight word.  Please do not tell your child how to spell the words.  They should be stretching the words very slowly and writing down the sounds that they hear.

Friday is the last monkey coupon day for the fundraiser.  Since we will be gone all day students must turn in their blue monkey coupons on Thursday.

Thanks so much for all your help!

Special Student

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Busy Busy Writers!

We are really enjoying writer's workshop! Today we began stapling pages together to make books. Students were very excited about this. We talked about how each page should be a detail about the same topic. Our books are intended to teach someone about something. Some students are teaching us about their rooms, their favorite games, even their families. This class is really getting good at adding details to their pictures and many are even adding word labels. Our sound spelling skills are really developing! Ask your child to show you how we sound spell!

Today's Special Student!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Class Books

Class books will start coming home today. The first book we created as a class is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Class books will always contain many sight words. The purpose of these books is for students to practice reading the sentences independently. Students should touch each word as they read it. They may need a little help with the first couple pages but should be able to read the rest to you. If there is a book in your child's backpack please take the time to read it with your child and return it the very next day for another family to enjoy. Thanks!

Special Student

Pajama Day

This Thursday Sappington will be having pajama day to raise funds for the Gapsch family.  For any donation students are invited to wear their pajamas to school.  Please be sure to have your child wear tennis shoes with their pajamas.  Thanks for your support.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Message

Good Afternoon,
  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Homework is off to a good start.  Don't forget that your child should be sound spelling the words on their own.  Please do not tell them the letters to write.  They are all doing very well with sound spelling in class and should be able to do it for homework as well.
  This week we also begin sight words.  Please help your child practice their words at home each night so that they are ready for the assessment on Friday.  Remember the sight word packet that came home today is optional.  It is a great way to practice the words but feel free to practice them in any way you choose.  The packet does not have to be returned to me.
  Tomorrow some information regarding our big fundraiser for the year will come home with your child.  Please look for it in their folder.
  Field trip dates for the year are set.  Our first trip is to Eckert's Fun Farm in Millstadt, Il.  We will need SEVERAL parent volunteers for this trip on September 20th.  We will leave by 9am and return by 3pm.
  Our second trip is on October 9th to The Magic House.  We will need a few chaperones for this trip as well.  This is a half day trip from about 8:45 until 11:30.
  Our third trip is to Stuckmeyer's Farm on October 25th.  This is also a half day trip and we will need a few volunteers.  We will be gone from 8:45 until 11:30.
  Our last trip will be with our third grade buddies.  On May 22nd we will go to Suson Park to celebrate the end of a great year.
The permission slip for all field trips will be coming home in the next couple days.  You have the option to pay for all field trips in one lump sum with this form.  If you prefer to pay for one trip at a time that is fine as well.  The paper will also have a place to indicate whether or not you would like to attend the field trip with us.
  Thank you for working on homework and sight words with your child.  It was obvious this first week that everyone made homework a priority.  Thanks for the support!!

Special Student!