
Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Message

Good Afternoon,
  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Homework is off to a good start.  Don't forget that your child should be sound spelling the words on their own.  Please do not tell them the letters to write.  They are all doing very well with sound spelling in class and should be able to do it for homework as well.
  This week we also begin sight words.  Please help your child practice their words at home each night so that they are ready for the assessment on Friday.  Remember the sight word packet that came home today is optional.  It is a great way to practice the words but feel free to practice them in any way you choose.  The packet does not have to be returned to me.
  Tomorrow some information regarding our big fundraiser for the year will come home with your child.  Please look for it in their folder.
  Field trip dates for the year are set.  Our first trip is to Eckert's Fun Farm in Millstadt, Il.  We will need SEVERAL parent volunteers for this trip on September 20th.  We will leave by 9am and return by 3pm.
  Our second trip is on October 9th to The Magic House.  We will need a few chaperones for this trip as well.  This is a half day trip from about 8:45 until 11:30.
  Our third trip is to Stuckmeyer's Farm on October 25th.  This is also a half day trip and we will need a few volunteers.  We will be gone from 8:45 until 11:30.
  Our last trip will be with our third grade buddies.  On May 22nd we will go to Suson Park to celebrate the end of a great year.
The permission slip for all field trips will be coming home in the next couple days.  You have the option to pay for all field trips in one lump sum with this form.  If you prefer to pay for one trip at a time that is fine as well.  The paper will also have a place to indicate whether or not you would like to attend the field trip with us.
  Thank you for working on homework and sight words with your child.  It was obvious this first week that everyone made homework a priority.  Thanks for the support!!

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