
Monday, October 7, 2013

A look at what we've been learning

Dear Families,
  Here's a look at what your child has been learning in Kindergarten.

 "Letter of the Day"   The letters that were focused on last week were Uu, Vv, Ww, and Xx.  We will complete our first rotation of "Letter of the Day" this week.  Students should be able to form the letters the "kindergarten way".  We always start our letters at the top.  During this rotation, students were also introduced to letter sounds.  We will continue to learn about our letters and review letter formation.  Students practiced sound stretching words daily with a lot of teacher guidance.  Students will be expected to do this more independently during the next rotation.

Math - Students will be bringing home their "Number Bond Book" this week. We finished these books, but we will continue to review this skill throughout the year.  Students are now working on ways to make a particular number.  Students will use counters, snap cubes and other materials to help them learn this skill.

Writing - Students are really enjoying Writer's Workshop time.  Students are learning the importance of including - who was there, what they were doing and where they were in their stories.  By adding these details to our stories, it allows the reader to feel like they are there with us.  

Sight Words -Based on recent assessments, some students are ready to read and write the weekly sight words. Please look at their homework packet this evening.  If your child is going to start reading and writing their sight words, you will see a sheet of paper that I stapled to the top of their homework.  The paper explains the expectations for sight word tests on Fridays.  Please do not be concerned if your child is not going to read and write the sight words.  After the first rotation of sight word introduction, all students will read and write the weekly sight words.  This weeks words are: at, he, and

Conferences - Conferences this year are Monday evening Oct. 28th and Wednesday evening Oct. 30th. I sent home a letter today, for you to sign and return.  

Here are some important dates to remember:

Tues. 10/8 McTeacher's Night at McDonalds on Watson Rd. from 4-8pm
Wed. 10/9 Magic House Field Trip 8:45-11:30
* If you are going on the field trip with us on Wednesday to the Magic House, please send $3 to school with your child before we leave on Wednesday. I will then be able to pay for all adults at the door.
Thurs. 10/10 Papa John's Night
Please call or email me, if you have any questions!
-Mrs. Stout

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