
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A message for the week


I want to start out by telling you how much I have enjoyed working with you kids. They are such a pleasure to be around and I love to see their minds at work.

With that being said, here is what we have been learning...

Sight Words: did, on, up. Please review these words at home and the words from previous weeks. Our assessment will be Thursday. Ask your child to clap them, snap them, stomp them, etc.

In writer's workshop, we are making cover pages for our finished pieces. We are going to share these with our 3rd grade buddies on Thursday and with you at conference time. We started a new writing piece today and we are focusing on adding detail, planning out our stories and being brave and using sound spelling to add more words.

science: We have been observing with our magnifying glasses (mulch, leaves, and other things in nature) and recording what we see.

Math: We have been working on ways to make 1-10. To accomplish this, we are using manipulatives of two different colors.

Next week is red ribbon week and this Friday is an early release day.

Have a great week!

Mrs.  Stout

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