
Monday, September 21, 2015

Weekly Update

Good Afternoon,

 Friday's field trip was a lot of fun!  It was warm and everyone was tired by the end but it was  huge success.  Thank you to the many adults that joined us.  We could have done it without you!

This week we have library on Tuesday and P.E. on Wednesday.

This week we will begin a new chapter in math.  We are working on sorting/classifying objects based on size, shape, and color.

This week's letter are M, N, O.  Please review these letters as well as our sight words every night with your child.  Our sight word test will be on Thursday this week since there is no school on Friday.

In Writer's Workshop we are learning how important it is to have lots of details in our pictures.  This helps our reader understand more about our story.

We will also meet our third grade buddy on Wednesday or Thursday this week!

Grant's Farm Night:   Your reservation envelope will be coming home early this week as we prepare for the much anticipated Grant's Farm night this Thursday.  I look forward to seeing you all there.

No School this Friday due to Teacher Professional Development day.

Here are other important dates:
9-24  Grant’s Farm Night (please note changes) 4:30-8:00; Family ticket must be bought ahead of time; this event is for current Sappington families only
9-25  No school; Full day of PD
9-30  School pictures
10-2  Custodian’s Day
10-2  Family BINGO night 6:30-7:30

Have  a wonderful week!

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