
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Weekly Update

Good Morning!
  I hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend.  I am really looking forward to some cooler weather this week!
  Tonight is the first SPTG meeting at 6:45.  Teachers will be here to supervise children on the playground.

This week we will work on the letter G, H, and I.   Please look through your child's Sappington folder with him/her EVERY night.  Ask your child what letter we worked on today.  If they are not able to identify the letter please review/practice with them.

It is also important that your child is writing their name the Kindergarten way.  One capital only!  We are working on this every day,
   If your child turned in homework on Friday I have checked it and returned it in their backpack today.  If they didn't turn it in I will get it this Friday.  Please do not write in the homework packet for your child.  It is really important that your child do the writing.  Also, please be sure to practice sight words and read to/with your child each night.  I have one homework packet that was turned in without a name.  If you think it is yours please let me know.  

   If you noticed during homework that your child is having difficulty using scissors please practice this at home.  We do a lot of cutting and gluing here at school and scissor use can be very frustrating for a child that has not used scissors much.  Just draw some basic lines/shapes on paper for your child to cut out.  This practice will be very helpful for your child.  

This week library is on Tuesday and P.E. is on Wednesday and Friday.  

9-8  SPTG Meeting 6:45 Library
9-9  Great American Fundraiser kick-off
9-16  Early Dismissal AM class attends from 8:35 to 10:55, PM class from 11:30-1:40
9-18  Kindergarten to Eckert’s  ALL DAY
9-24  Grant’s Farm Night (please note changes) 4:30-8:00; Family ticket must be bought ahead of time; this event is for current Sappington families only
9-25  No school

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