
Monday, December 7, 2015

Wow! Only 2 weeks until Christmas!

These weeks will be busy.....

    In writing we continue to work on telling stories.  I am noticing good improvements in our sentence writing and sight word usage.  Letters to Santa are great writing practice!
   Guided reading groups are going well.  Make sure to be reading at least one book each evening.  I cannot express the importance of this routine.
   In math we are working on numbers from 11-20. We are focusing on counting objects to that number, deciding whether the number is even or odd, writing the number neatly, and identifying what comes before and after the number.
   Another thing to practice at home (or even in the car) is counting to 100 and counting by 10's.

This week and next P.E. in on Monday and Wednesday.  Library is on Tuesday.

There are many important dates in the next two weeks.....

Wednesday 12/9 is another early release day. AM will dismiss at 10:45.  PM will attend from 11:25 until 1:40.

12-17 Classroom Holiday Parties (10:45 and 1:45)
12-18 - 1-3 Winter Break
1-4 School resumes

Monday, November 16, 2015

Happy Monday!

Just a few reminders this week.

We are reviewing letters O, P, and Q.

Round 2 of sight words has begun.  We will review "I, see, like," and work on "will, run, yes".  Please see the note I sent home last Friday to know what words your child will be responsible for.

In math, we are reviewing shapes before moving on to larger numbers.  The hexagon was a new shape for many of us.

If you have not sent in a white t-shirt please do so ASAP.  We will begin our costumes as soon as all shirts have arrived.  Also, please don't forget to send the food item that you signed up for next week.  Our feasts will be on Tuesday.  We still have a few spots open on the signup genius if you are able to donate.  Also, I am looking for two parents that would be interested in helping with feast set up and clean up.  If you would like to do this please email me to let me know.

This Wednesday is an early release day.  AM students will attend until 10:45.  PM class will be from 11:30-1:40

This week we have P.E. on Tuesday and Friday.

Upcoming Dates
11-17  P’sghetti’s Night
11-18  Early Dismissal 1:40
11-20  SPTG Warm-up Night (Chili and Volleyball) 5:30
11-25-11-27  No School Thanksgiving
12-2  Fundraiser Limo ride
12-4  Evening with Santa 5-7:30
12-9  Early Dismissal 1:40

Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday Message

Good Morning
This week we will review the letters Kk, Ll, Mm and Nn.  We will also work on sight words: with, little, has.
       This week is the last week for round one of sight words.  After finishing up some assessments this week I will be sending a note with each child.  This letter will indicate whether your child will repeat our first 33 words again or move on to another list of sight words.  It will also let you know whether your child will continue to read the words for their test or whether they will be asked to write the words for their test.  Please use this letter to help you practice sight words appropriately each night. 

 In Writer's Workshop we continue to write "true" stories that we have experienced.  We are learning how to add speech bubbles to our pictures to help our readers understand our story.  

In Math, we have finished up a book on number 0-10.  Your child should bring this book home today.  If there are unfinished pages inside please consider having your child complete it for extra practice.  Many students still struggle with writing numbers correctly.  If you notice this in your child's book please have them continue to practice writing numbers to 10 on occasion.  
The following number poems are helpful.....

One is fun!

 Around and back on the railroad track
makes two, two, two.

 Around the tree, around the tree,that’s the way we make a three.

Down and over and down some more,that’s the way we make a four.

 With a short neck and a round little tummy, put on his hat,
 five sure looks funny!

Down to the loop,
six rolls a hoop.

Across the sky and down from heaven,
that’s the way we make a seven.

Make a S and then don’t wait,
climb back up to make an eight.

A circle and a line makes nine.

First make a one, then a zero too,
that makes a ten for me and you.

Veteran's Day
We will celebrate on Wednesday with an assembly to honor the veterans of the Sappington community.  Please have your child wear patriotic red/white/blue to school that day.  We are very grateful to these men and women for protecting our country.

Picture Retakes
These will be held on Thursday.  If your child was absent in October for pictures or if you want their picture taken again, please send in the original packet and let me know.  I will be sure to send your child to the 

Thanksgiving Feast
Kindergarten will be having a Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday, November 24th.  The time is yet to be decided.  I will send an email soon that will include exact times.  The email will also include a link to sign-up to send in items that are needed for the feast.  If you are able to donate your help is greatly appreciated.  

IMPORTANT:  We need each child to bring in a plain white t-shirt.  This t-shirt will be used to make a Native American costume for our feast.  Please send all t-shirts to school no later than Monday, November 16th so that we will have time to create our costumes.  

Other Important Dates
11-10  Papa John’s Night
11-10  SPTG meeting 6:45
11-11  Veteran’s Day Assembly 9:00
11-12  Picture retake day
11-17  P’sghetti’s Night
11-18  Early Dismissal AM attends 8:45-10:55 PM attends 11:30-1:40.
11-20  SPTG Warm-up Night (Chili and Volleyball) 5:30
11-25-11-27  No School Thanksgiving

That's a lot of info for one week! Have a fabulous fall week!!!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Weekly Update

This week's letters are G, H, I, J.  Please help your child practice these letter sounds.

This week's words are said, come, and look.  Please continue to practice these words daily.

Specials this week
Monday - Music
Tuesday - P.E,
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Library
Friday - P.E.

This will be the schedule for the next few weeks.

Upcoming Events
11-10  Papa John’s Night
11-10  SPTG meeting 6:45
11-11  Veteran’s Day Assembly 9:00
11-12  Picture retake day
11-17  P’sghetti’s Night
11-18  Early Dismissal 1:40
11-20  SPTG Warm-up Night (Chili and Volleyball) 5:30
11-25-11-27  No School Thanksgiving
11-30  Academic All Stars 7:30

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Guided Reading books

Many students are beginning to be good readers. If your child meets with a reading group this envelope is going to come home that evening. Please have your child read this book to you two times. Let them know how excited you are about their reading progress! Be sure to return this envelope and book the next morning so that we can use it again in class. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Weekly Update


In Writer's Workshop we are beginning to write TRUE  stories.  We tell a story out loud to a friend and then do our best to put it on paper.  We are making sure our pictures have lots of colors, labels, details, and a backgound.  Many students are beginning to write words and even attempt sentences.  

In Math, we are working on identifying, writing, and counting to numbers 1-10.  Ask your child about the silly poems that help us remember how to write our numbers.

This week we will review letters D, E, and F.  We are practicing writing neatly and using the sound of the letter in words.  

This week's sight words are "not, here, have". Please practice your sight words every evening.  Don't forget to read also!

This week is Red Ribbon Week at Sappington...  We promise to be DRUG FREE!
The campaign demonstrates intolerance for drugs in our schools and communities.  The Red Ribbon stands as a symbol of the belief that one person can make a difference.

Tuesday, Oct. 27 is “Wild about being Drug Free.” - Wear your favorite animal print or some wild socks.
Wednesday, Oct. 28 is “Mismatch Day” -mix it up and wear an outfit that doesn’t match to show you are drug free; stripes and polka dots

Thursday we will celebrate Halloween. Students in HALF-DAY are asked to wear their Halloween costume to school. We do not have enough time to change. All other students are asked to bring their costume and will change before the parade.

Upcoming events:
10-26  Parent/Teacher conferences (evening)
10-27 Parent/Teacher conferences (morning)
10-28  Parent/Teacher conferences (evening)
10-29  Halloween Parade 10:15 and 1:15
10-29  Classroom parties 10:30-11:30 and 1:45-2:45
10-30  NO SCHOOL
11-10  Papa John’s Night
11-10  SPTG meeting 6:45
11-11  Veteran’s Day Assembly 9:00
11-12  Picture retake day
11-17  P’sghetti’s Night
11-18  Early Dismissal 1:40
11-20  SPTG Warm-up Night (Chili and Volleyball) 5:30
11-25-11-27  No School Thanksgiving

That seems like enough for one week!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Monday Message

Good Morning!
I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend again!
Here's what is coming up this week.

We will be wrapping up the first rotation of the alphabet with letters X,Y, and Z. Your child should be able to identify and write the letters of the alphabet. They should also know most of the sounds of these letters.
This week's sight words are she, go, this. Please remember to practice sight words and read with your child every night.
In Math, we are currently working on numbers 0-10. We are practicing writing the numbers, singing the number songs, and counting objects to 10.
In reading, we have learned the importance of using our Eagle Eye. Our Eagle Eye helps us look very closely at the picture in order to figure out unknown words.
        Writer's Workshop is going well and seems to be a favorite part of the day for many students.  We are learning how to tell our story and put it on our paper using pictures and words.  Some students are are beginning to sound spell unknown words on their own.  A couple are even attempting sentences by themselves.  This is awesome!
If you have not returned the field trip note for Stuckmeyer's please do so as soon as possible. Also, we are still in need of several parents to join us for our trip. Please consider joining us.
Conferences are coming up in just a couple weeks. Most of you signed up for a conference during meet the teacher night. If you have not signed up you will receive a letter soon. If you have already signed up you will receive a reminder note soon as well.

Important Dates:
10-13  Culver’s Night 5:00-8:00
10-16  Half Day of School 11:50 dismissal/Only AM Kindergarten attends
10-20 Pumpkin Patch
10-26  Parent/Teacher conferences
10-28  Parent/Teacher conferences
10-29  Classroom parties 10:30-11:30 and 1:45-2:45
10-30  No school (conference compensation day)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Weekly Updates

Good Morning!  I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend!
  Today I will send home the October Homework packet.  The packet will be very different this month.  I want the focus of homework to be on two very important things.  !.  Sight words 2. reading..  The homework each night will now be to practice 3 kindergarten sight words (for at least 10 minutes) and to listen to or read a book.  Please use the previous week's sight word test to determine which words your child needs to practice.  After practicing the words please have your child record the words on the log sheet.  An adult may write down the name of the book you read.  Also, I do not need the homework to be turned in until the last day of the week.  

This week we will work on letters P, Q, R, S, and words "he, and, at".  Please review these skills at home.  

In math, we will finish up sorting,  We are pretty good at sorting by size, shape, color, and number.

We are also working hard in Writer's Workshop.  We are learning to tell our stories using our pictures and words.  Please ask your child how to stretch words.  We are practicing this daily and many students are beginning to record the sounds they hear on their own.  This is an important skill!!

Specials this week:
Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - art
Wednesday - library
Thursday - P.E.
Friday - music

This schedule will remain the same for a couple weeks.

Upcoming dates: 
9-30  School pictures
10-2  Custodian’s Day
10-2  Family BINGO night 6:30-7:30
10-6  Papa John’s Night
10-8  School Store

Monday, September 21, 2015

Weekly Update

Good Afternoon,

 Friday's field trip was a lot of fun!  It was warm and everyone was tired by the end but it was  huge success.  Thank you to the many adults that joined us.  We could have done it without you!

This week we have library on Tuesday and P.E. on Wednesday.

This week we will begin a new chapter in math.  We are working on sorting/classifying objects based on size, shape, and color.

This week's letter are M, N, O.  Please review these letters as well as our sight words every night with your child.  Our sight word test will be on Thursday this week since there is no school on Friday.

In Writer's Workshop we are learning how important it is to have lots of details in our pictures.  This helps our reader understand more about our story.

We will also meet our third grade buddy on Wednesday or Thursday this week!

Grant's Farm Night:   Your reservation envelope will be coming home early this week as we prepare for the much anticipated Grant's Farm night this Thursday.  I look forward to seeing you all there.

No School this Friday due to Teacher Professional Development day.

Here are other important dates:
9-24  Grant’s Farm Night (please note changes) 4:30-8:00; Family ticket must be bought ahead of time; this event is for current Sappington families only
9-25  No school; Full day of PD
9-30  School pictures
10-2  Custodian’s Day
10-2  Family BINGO night 6:30-7:30

Have  a wonderful week!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Practicing letter G...

Using our writing journals....

Weekly Update

Good Morning!
  I hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend.  I am really looking forward to some cooler weather this week!
  Tonight is the first SPTG meeting at 6:45.  Teachers will be here to supervise children on the playground.

This week we will work on the letter G, H, and I.   Please look through your child's Sappington folder with him/her EVERY night.  Ask your child what letter we worked on today.  If they are not able to identify the letter please review/practice with them.

It is also important that your child is writing their name the Kindergarten way.  One capital only!  We are working on this every day,
   If your child turned in homework on Friday I have checked it and returned it in their backpack today.  If they didn't turn it in I will get it this Friday.  Please do not write in the homework packet for your child.  It is really important that your child do the writing.  Also, please be sure to practice sight words and read to/with your child each night.  I have one homework packet that was turned in without a name.  If you think it is yours please let me know.  

   If you noticed during homework that your child is having difficulty using scissors please practice this at home.  We do a lot of cutting and gluing here at school and scissor use can be very frustrating for a child that has not used scissors much.  Just draw some basic lines/shapes on paper for your child to cut out.  This practice will be very helpful for your child.  

This week library is on Tuesday and P.E. is on Wednesday and Friday.  

9-8  SPTG Meeting 6:45 Library
9-9  Great American Fundraiser kick-off
9-16  Early Dismissal AM class attends from 8:35 to 10:55, PM class from 11:30-1:40
9-18  Kindergarten to Eckert’s  ALL DAY
9-24  Grant’s Farm Night (please note changes) 4:30-8:00; Family ticket must be bought ahead of time; this event is for current Sappington families only
9-25  No school