
Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Monday!

It is a busy week!  Here are some reminders....

Please return the yellow Grandparent's Day form as soon as possible.  If your child does not have a grandparent that is able to attend they can bring a special friend, neighbor etc.  If no one is able to attend please let me know.  We have some adults in the building that are able to step in as adopted grandparents for the day.  Also, if you have not already, please email the names of your child's grandparent.  (not the real names just what your child calls them)  This is for all grandparents in your child' life not just the grandparents that will come to Grandparent's Day.

Please send your child's Valentine cards as soon as possible.  We will begin delivering them to our friends today.

This week we are collecting for the American Heart Association.  If your child donates $5 they will receive a toy duck.  Also, for any donation they are invited to "dress like a teacher" on Thursday.

Wednesday is an Early Release day.  Students will be dismissed at 1:40.  Please let me know if any transportation changes need to be made for that day.

Thursday at 3:30 is the Grandparent's Day planning meeting.  If you are able to help in any way for Grandparent's Day please let me know.  THANK YOU!

Friday is our Valentine's Day party at 1:45.

Monday there is no school.  Enjoy the long weekend!

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