
Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Message

Dear Parents,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Last Friday I sent a letter home about our Thanksgiving Feast.  I meant to specify on the letter what item I would like you to donate. However, I did not mark on anyone’s letter. I am so sorry for any confusion that this may have caused. I sent a survey out today asking for you to sign up for an item. I have gotten several responses, so thank you. If you did not receive this survey, please let me know.
If you are still willing to help with the feast, you may still return the bottom of the sheet I sent home.
Sight Words – We are beginning our second rotation of sight words this week. This week I will be sending a letter home indicating which words they should study and what the expectations are for the weekly sight word tests on Fridays.  I am so pleased with how well the students are doing with their sight word recognition!  I also tested all students on their ability to write all 30 sight words and their work was amazing!  The students are working so hard at school and I also appreciate your support at home.  List one words this week are: I, like, see and list 2 words are: will, run, yes.
In writing, the students are working hard on writing a “True Story”.  Students are working on staying on topic and writing their story with a beginning, middle and end.  Many students are working on writing a sentence and using proper sentence structure.  I am encouraging students to continue to draw representational pictures to support their writing and to label their pictures.  The pictures and labels help make the writing easy to read and help them to stay on topic.  Please practice telling stories with a beginning, middle and end.

Upcoming Events this Week:
Wednesday 11-20-13 Blue Ribbon Assembly.  Please have your child wear a light weight shirt to school on Wednesday.  Students will be given a new t-shirt to wear and this will make it easier for them to slip their new shirt on over the clothes they wear to school. 

Friday 11-22-13 Warm up Night Volleyball game and Chili cook-off.

Tuesday 11-26-13 Thanksgiving Feast. 
Thanks and have a great week!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday Message

Dear Parents,
Here are some things we have been working on in Kindergarten...
Sight Words: said, come, look

Guided Reading:
Students are very excited about the small books they are reading during guided reading time.  Students are becoming more independent with some of the reading strategies I have taught them. Ask your child about "lips on a fish" and "Stretchy the Snake".
Writer’s Workshop:
We learned a new way to sing ,“Old Mac Donald”.  We decided that instead of E-I-E-I-O, it should be A-E-I-O-U!  We made a class chart to help us remember the vowel sounds. We discussed how every word should have at least one vowel in it. We are using this vowel chart to check our writing to make sure our words have vowels in them.
 Learning Communities:
St Anthony's donated some gloves, masks and hats for us to play with during dramatic play. The kids get to take them home after they use them.
Thanksgiving Feast:
*Thank you to everyone who offered to help cut the yarn for the necklaces. We got that finished, so thank you!
*If you would like to donate fabric markers for our Native American shirts by Friday, that would be wonderful!
*Please don’t forget to turn in a white t-shirt, we will be working on them Friday

Upcoming Events this Week!
Wednesday 11-13-13 Early Release Day.  Students will be dismissed at 1:40.  Please discuss with your child how they will be going home. 
Friday 11-15-13 Buddy day.  Students will get to visit with their 3rd grade buddies and enjoy a Thanksgiving activity.
Tuesday 11-26-13 Thanksgiving Feast   We will be celebrating.  We will be looking for a few volunteers to help set up /clean up and serve the food on this day.  A letter will be going home soon with more details.
Thanks and have a great week!
Mrs. Stout

Student of the week. -Nicole

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thanksgiving Feast

Hello Parents,
   Our Thanksgiving Feast is just around the corner.  To help celebrate the Thanksgiving season all students will be making Native Americans T-shirts.  Please send ONE plain white T-shirt to school with your child by Monday, November 11th.  Don't forget to put your child's name on the tag. If you would like to donate any extra shirt for another student, please put the shirt in a bag marked donation. More information about our Feast will be sent home within the next week.
Thank you so much for your support.

Mrs. Stout

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Fun!

Student of the week-William/Alayna

Monday Message

I enjoyed meeting with everyone last week for conferences. I also hope everyone had a relaxing 3 day weekend.
Here is a look into what we our learning:

Math: We are working in a book called Kindergarten Math Story Problems. With guided instruction, students are learning they can draw pictures to help them solve simple addition story problems.  We are also writing a number sentence to solve the story problem.  We then look at a number line to find our answer. We will continue working in this book throughout the month of November.

Sight Words: not  here  have
Test will be on Friday

Letters of the day: H, I, J, K,L

Writer’s Workshop: We are continuing to talk about writing “true” stories. I love meeting with the students to hear and read what they are writing about. We have been talking a lot about how we can go back and edit our writing by checking for all the sounds in our words and leaving spaces between the letters and the words.

Last week our student of the week was William. Thank you for sharing your poster, snacks and favorite things with us William!

This week’s student: Alayna

 Upcoming Events this Week!

Monday, 11/4/13 - Baked Good Pottery Night for Kindergarten and 3rd Grade.  This event is all week.  You may go any evening during the week.  Please tell them you are there for the Sappington Fundraiser.

Tuesday, 11/5/13 - Rams spirit Day!  6:45pm Parent Teacher Group Meeting

Thursday, 11/7/13 – School Store

Monday, 11/11/13 – Veteran’s Day