
Monday, August 19, 2013

Ready for our first full week!

The first two days were pretty successful! We spent a lot of time learning the rules and procedures of kindergarten. We also got to know each other and began building our classroom community. Please ask your child what it means to fill a bucket. You will be hearing a lot about bucket filling this year. If you are interested in this philosophy please read Have You Filled a Bucket Today. It is a great story and really helps us show good character at school and at home. This week we will begin working on letter of the day activities and math lessons with our "Numbers Galore" book. We will also start "Special Student" which is one way that we get to know each child just a little bit better. We will wrap up our fist full week with our kindergarten party. You should have picked up a gift tag during Meet the Teacher Night. Please wrap the gift item that you chose so that your child can open it for the class at our party Friday. If you did not pick up a tag please let me know and I will send one home with your child today. Don't forget next Thursday, August 29th, at 7pm is Kindergarten curriculum night. I will be giving you lots of information regarding your child's kindergarten year. Please be sure at least one parent will be able to attend. We are off to a great start and I think it will be a wonderful year!

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