
Monday, January 25, 2016

Good Morning!
We have already had many pairs of socks brought in. Thank you for helping those in need. We are really excited to reach our goal of 100 pairs of socks!

Don't forget the 100th day of school this Friday. We have many fun activities planned.
This week we will review sight words:  it, me you, play, was, I'm

We are really focusing on writing sentences.  Many students are beginning to write sentences on their own with just one capital letter, spaces between their words, and punctuation at the end.  In Writer's Workshop we are still working on our 'how-to' books.  We have to carefully think of each step in the process before putting them on paper.  This is hard work but we are doing it!

In math, we continue to focus on numbers in the teens.  We are beginning to realize that these numbers are made of a group of ten and some ones.  

Our Valentine parties will be on February 12th.  We do not need a Valentine box as we will create an envelope in class.  Also, students will not be asked to address Valentines for their friends but just sign them so they know who it is from.  We have 20 students in the AM and 18 in the PM.  

I am always looking for Valentine stickers to decorate our envelopes.  Any donations are greatly appreciated! 

Have a great week.

2-2  SPTG Night of Music 6:45
2-5  SPTG Father/Daughter Dance
2-9  Papa John’s Night
2-10 Early Dismissal 1:40
2-11 Dress Like a Teacher Day

2-12  Valentine Parties

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The 100th Day of Kindergarten is fast approaching!

Dear Parents,
On Friday, January 29th, the children will be celebrating their 100th day of kindergarten.  We will need your help in providing items for our 100th day snack, bringing in canned goods and in creating a 100 day project to bring to school on that day.
100 Pairs of Socks:  On Monday, January 25th, students can start bringing in new socks to donate.  We will track how many pairs of socks we have each day on a 100’s chart.  Our goal is to collect 100 pairs of new socks to donate to needy families in the area.  The students can bring socks any day throughout the week. 
100th Day Snack:  Please follow the sign-up genius link if you’d like to donate for our snack.  The link was in an email sent earlier.
100th Day Project:  Please help your child create a 100 day t-shirt or sweatshirt to wear to school on the 100th day by putting 100 of anything on the shirt.  You may want to use fabric paint, crayons, buttons, band-aids, noodles, legos, etc – be creative!  If you prefer, you may make a collection of 100 things on a poster board.  Either one of these projects would be fine.
Please send  the 100 day project to school on the 100th day of school!  If we have any snow days between now and then we will adjust accordingly.    Thank you!                                                                

   Happy Counting!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!

Good Afternoon,
  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

This week we will have P.E. on Monday and Thursday.

Now that second semester is here this would be a good time to replenish school supplies.  Please ask your child if they are in need of new markers, crayons, glue sticks, or a pencil box.  Many boxes are beginning to break.  Thanks for your help!

In Writer's Workshop we will start our unit on writing "how to" books.  

In Guided Reading we are still working on my different reading strategies.  Today we learned about "Lips the Fish".  Please ask your child what Lips taught them to do.
In Math, we continue to work on teen numbers.  We are using cubes to represent the number.  We are  finding out whether the number is even or odd.  We are also representing the number with ten frames, tally marks, and place value blocks.  

Sight word tests will be on Friday.

Here are some upcoming dates....

1-12  Yearbook Group Pictures
1-12  SPTG Blues game
1-12  Papa John’s Night
1-13  Early Dismissal 1:40
1-15  Family Movie Night 6:00
1-18  No School