
Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Message

Good Morning!
  Don't forget about our pumpkin patch field trip tomorrow.  If you are planning to attend please arrive at school by 8:45.  Depending on bus size you may have to drive separately.  Please make sure students are dressed appropriately.  It looks like it may be a little chilly.
   Our BoxTops for education contest ends this Thursday.  Please send any BoxTops you have before then.
   Report cards will be emailed out tomorrow.  Today there will be a paper in your child's folder explaining which report card items were assessed for the first quarter.  Some report card items are not assessed until later in the year.
   We have P.E. on Tuesday and Friday this week and library is on Wednesday.

Have a great week!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Good Morning!

I can't believe this week marks the end of the first quarter!  The time has gone by very quickly.

This week we will have P.E. on Tuesday and Friday and library on Wednesday.

Don't forget that Friday is a half day of school.  Students will be dismissed around 11:40.  If you child's transportation will be different on that day please let me know ASAP.

Next week, on the 21st we will head to Stuckmeyer's Pumpkin Patch.  I am still looking for a couple more parents to join us.  If you have not returned the permission slip and money please do so as soon as possible.

Tonight there will be a conference note in your child's home folder.  Please verify your scheduled time and return the note in the folder tomorrow.

We have now completed Unit 1 of our Writer's Workshop program.  Students enjoyed writing true stories about their lives.  In Unit 2 we will continue to tell narrative stories.  We are working on thinking about the story, telling it out loud, and finally getting it on paper.  We use pictures and words to get our story on paper.  At this time students should be labeling parts of their picture with words by stretching them and writing down the sounds they hear.  Please encourage your child to stretch words when completing homework.  Please do not help your child write words correctly.  Encourage them to say the word very slowly and write down each sound that they hear.

Guided reading groups are going well.  We are working on using our "Eagle Eye" to help us decipher unknown words.  Please try using this strategy when reading with your child at home.  Our shared reading lesson this week was on the Meanies, by Joy Cowley.  Ask your student what they remember from this book.  They loved it!!

Have a great week!