
Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday Message

I hope everyone enjoyed the extended weekend.  It was fun to see so many friends at Grant's Farm night. What a fun event!

Updates for the week.....

This week we have P.E. on Tuesday and Friday and library on Wednesday.

The new homework and sight word packets will come home today.  Please practice all previous sight words briefly each night.

This week we officially begin guided reading groups.  Most students are ready to begin at a letter A.  Students are working with either myself or Mrs. Burke.  We will learn many reading strategies and we will also working on sight words and some writing skills.  Please watch for reading strategy cards to start coming home soon.  I am giving you a link to some youtube videos that will briefly explain each strategy.  It will take a while for us to get through all the strategies but it would be AMAZING if you also talked about these strategies while reading with your child at home.  They are simple, fun ways to help your child succeed as a reader.
Here is the link...

In math we will begin Chapter 1 which will teach us about numbers 0-5.  We will review number recognition and practice writing the number and counting items to the number.  This will be a quick easy chapter for most students.

Today we will visit our third grade buddies to show off our first completed writing piece.  Students worked very hard to complete this first piece and they are now ready to celebrated.  Our next bend of writing will help learn to be great story tellers in our writing.

Today you  will also receive a note about our next field trip.  We will visit Stuckmeyer's Farm on Tuesday, October 21 from around 8:45 until 11:30.  If you are able to attend with us please indicate so on the form.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  Please return the form with $10 as soon as possible.

Have a great week!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

We are excited.......

The students have worked really hard as bucket fillers in our classroom.  We have earned our first reward as a class.  The students have chosen PAJAMA DAY!  This Thursday students are invited to wear their pajamas to school.  Slippers are fine but please send tennis shoes for P.E. and recess.  What a great class!!

Monday Message

Thanks to all the parents, grandparents, and friends that joined us at Eckert's on Friday.  The weather was beautiful and we had a great day.

This week we have P.E. on Monday and Thursday.  Also, library will be on Tuesday.

This week's sight words are "in, am, to".  Be sure to practice these words for a brief time each night.  Mastering these words is critical to your child's writing and reading success.  This week's test will be on Thursday due to NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY.

In math we are wrapping up our chapter on classifying objects.  We have practiced sorting by size, shape, and color.  Students have done very well with this chapter.

In writing we continue to work on sound spelling and using our pictures to tell our story as well.  We will celebrate all we have learned in Writer's Workshop very soon.  This seems to be a favorite time of the day.

Homework will also be due on Thursday this week.

This Thursday evening is Sappington Night at Grant's Farm.  This is one of my favorite nights of the year.  The farm is only open to the Sappington Family.  There is music, face painting, balloon animals.  The weather looks great and it should be a blast!  I hope to see you there.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Reminders for the Week

Good Morning!  A few reminders....

P.E. is Monday and Thursday this week.  It is the same next week also.

Library is Tuesday this week and next.  Please keep your child's book in their backpack so that they always have it on library day.

Don't forget that tomorrow is our first early release day.  Students will be dismissed around 1:40.  If your child is to do anything different at the end of the day please write a note and put it in their Sappington folder tomorrow.  

This week's sight words are "we", "is", and "my".  Please be sure to practice these words each night.  Our test will be on THURSDAY this week due to Friday's field trip.

If you have not returned your child's field trip note and money please do so tomorrow.  Also, please be sure to send a lunch with and EXTRA drink for Friday's trip.  Please watch the weather and make sure your child is dressed appropriately.  We will be at the farm all day.  If you are planning to attend the trip with your child please note that you will most likely have to drive there.  There is usually not enough space on the bus for parents.  This is the only field trip that you can take your child home from.  They do not have to ride the bus back to school at the end of the day.  If you plan to do this you will need to sign them out from me at the bus at the end of our day.  

Some websites that we have been using that the kids really enjoy are below.  These are free sites and great ways to practice at home.

Thanks to the many families that offered to help with at home projects last week.  I have a list and may send you a project here and there.  If I send it at at time that does not work for you please don't stress about it.  Just send it back and I will send it with someone else.  THANKS!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Message

I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend.
  This week we have P.E. on Monday and Thursday.

The first week of sight words went well. You should have received your child's test Friday afternoon.  Please keep in mind that we will test over all words each week.  This means that while practicing this week's words you will also want to review last week's words.

   This week we will start math centers as well as our chapter on sorting and classifying objects.

Writers Workshop continues to go well. We have begun adding pages to our writing piece to create books.  The students are really excited about this!

Please remember when working on homework to let your child "stretch" the words that they are writing. The need to say the word very slowly and write only the sounds they hear.  Homework is due Friday.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weekly Update

I hope everyone enjoyed the extended weekend.  Here are some reminders for the week!

Library will be on Tuesday.
P.E. will be on Thursday this week.

Homework will come home today.  Remember to complete an activity in the packet as well as read for 15 minutes each night.  There are five activities per week and homework will be collected on Friday.  This means that one night a week you will need to complete two activities.  Please make sure your child is stretching words and writing down the sounds that he/she hears.

Sight words also begin today.  Our words this week are "I", "like" and "see".  Please help your child practice these words any way you choose.  On Friday your child will need to be able to read the word to me when shown a flashcard. is a great website to practice words on.  You can look up our words by using my name and school.

Back to Football Friday- The BACK TO FOOTBALL FRIDAY assembly is Friday, Sept 5th at 9am. Students are encouraged to wear blue, gold, yellow, or Rams attire.  They can be creative and wear wigs, hats, helmets etc. There will be two contests:
    • First, a class spirit photo contest.  The classroom teachers will take a Rams spirit picture of their class.  Friday afternoon we will post it on the Sappington PE facebook page.  The class with the most "LIKES" by Wednesday, 8am will be the winner.  Their picture will be displayed and the class will win 30 extra minutes on the inflatables in November.
    • Contest number 2 is an optional contest from home.  Students can take a picture or be in a picture showing their Rams spirit.  This will be put in a separate album on the Sappington PE facebook page.  The picture with the most "likes" wins.  The winner will receive a Play 60 package donated by the Rams organization (not sure what is in it yet). Please email/ submit all of these photos to me with the student's name by 8am Sept. 5th. One photo per student.
    • The Rams support many programs here at Sappington and encourage students to stay active for at least 60 minutes per day. Let's say thanks by showing off some Rams spirit!