
Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Message

Well, we have one full week under our belts.  We had fun getting to know each other last week and learning how things work in our classroom.
   We have centers up and running.  Students are working quietly with a partner in their center while I work with individuals.  I am beginning to assess students for some baseline information.
   We have also begun letter of the day activities.  We focus on letter identification and handwriting.  Please look through your child's folder after school.  Ask them to tell you what letter is on their paper. If your child cannot identify the letter please help them review and practice it.
   We are also practicing writing our names.  Your child should be writing their first name with only 1 capital letter.  Many preschools teach students to write their name in all capitals.  We switch to one capital right away.
   Also, today was a library day.  Library, music, art, and P.E. are on a five day rotation.  I know this can be confusing.  The best thing to do is leave the library book in your child's backpack after readng it.  This way it will always be at school when we need it.  We will go to library again next Tuesday since Monday is the holiday.  This week we have P.E. on Wednesday and Friday.  Please make sure your child has tennis shoes on these days.  If your child likes to wear other shoes to school you can send and old pair of tennis shoes to keep here.  This way they can always participate in P.E.
   This Thursday is Curriculum Night from 6:30-7:30pm.  I will be sharing a lot of important information about kindergarten.  Please plan to have at least one parent attend.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Have you filled a bucket today?

To start kindergarten on the right foot we learned what it means to be a bucket-filler.  Please ask your child what it means to be a bucket-filler and how they filled a bucket today!

1st Grade Parents!

I hope everyone had a good start to the first grade year.  I am going to begin posting things for my new kindergartners and just wanted to remind you that you may want to "unsubscribe" to my blog now.  Thanks!