
Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Message


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

 I have thoroughly enjoyed subbing for Mrs. Becker. She will return after Christmas break. Your children are such blessings and I have enjoyed watching them grow and learn. I am happy I will get to continue to read with them throughout the school year.

Sight Words: are, down, all, in, am, to; We will have our sight word test on Thursday.

Math: We are continuing to work on our Animal Math Addition Book. We are learning about writing number sentences, using tally marks, and drawing pictures with story problems.

Writer's Workshop: This week we made a title page for a published piece and we are celebrating their writing by sharing in front of the class. We will also share with Mrs. Jenkerson's class.

Important Dates:

Thursday, Dec. 19th – Sight Word Test and library

Friday, Dec. 20th – Holiday Party from 1:45-2:45

Dec. 23rd – Jan. 4th – Winter Break

January 6th – School Resumes

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday Message

Dear parents,
I hope everyone had a good weekend and a fun snow day!
Here is a look into our learning...

Sight Words:
Students did take their sight word test today over the words: the, a, can, no, what, for.  I sent their test home with them today.  I did not collect homework today.  I will check weeks 1 and 2 of December on Friday of this week.
This week’s sight words are:  we, is, my, out, big, and got

Writer’s Workshop: 
Students are working on publishing one piece of writing that is special to them.  The students are editing for capitals, spaces, spelling of sight words and punctuation.  Students are also revising their work and trying to write stronger beginnings and endings.  Students are very excited about their work and look forward to sharing it with their friends when it is complete.  We will have a “Writing Celebration” next week to close our Narrative Writing Unit.  When we return from the holiday break, we will start a new unit on writing ‘How To stories’.

Letter of the Day:
We will complete our 2nd rotation of the ‘Letter of the Day’ this week.  This rotation was a short lesson on letter formation and letter sounds.  Students have become much more independent with sound spelling words.  Students are able to write their letters nicely with correct letter formation on the practice sheets I provide.  However, students need to transfer their knowledge about proper letter formation during their daily writing activities.  Please encourage your child to always use their best handwriting when they are writing. 

Important Dates: 
Wednesday, Dec. 11th – Early Release Day -Students will be dismissed at 1:40.

Friday, Dec. 13th – Class will shop at the Book fair during library time and Cookies with Santa 5 p.m.-8 p.m.

Thursday, Dec. 19th - Homework Due and Sight word Test

Friday, Dec. 20th – Holiday Party from 1:45-2:45

Dec. 23rd – Jan. 5th – Winter Break

January 6th – School Resumes

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Message

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

A few Things:

Tomorrow: Have your child wear blue and please send in a canned good for a family in need.

Math: We are starting a new math book this week. We will focus on counting and making tally marks, writing addition number sentences and solving word problems that have to do with animals.

Writer's Workshop: We are working on writing stories that have great beginnings. Today we talked about using action words and explaining how we feel in the story to pull the reader of their writing in and make them want to read more.

Letter of the day: T, U, V, W, X

New sight words this week:: no, what, for

We are starting student of the week this week. When it is your child's turn, I will send a letter home the week before, letting you know what to send in.

Important dates:

12-5 School Store
12-6 SPTG visit with Santa
12-11 early dismissal
12-20 Classroom Parties